Movie Title: Heaven's Door /ヘブンズ・ドア/[Hebuansu Doa] [2009]
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Special appearance: ARASHI's Ninomiya Kazunari.
Masato (tomoya nagase) a struggling musician turned part-time garage mechanic, is not only fired from his job, but also learns that hiss pass-out-with-pain headaches are caused by a brain tumor. Given a medical death sentence in his 20s, he is in despair when he meets Harumi (Mayuko Fukada), a spunky 15-yr-old girl with terminal bone cancer, in the hospital where they are both being treated. After getting wasted on tequila in the hospital kitchen (where they conveniently find ample supplies of salt & lemons), Masato & Harumi decide to escape to the sea, which Harumi has never seen. Fortunately, they find a luxury sports car in front of the hospital, left a pair of inept security guys for the president of a sinister cult-like company. They hop in and zoom off, but the cops and company goons are soon in hot pursuit.
My Rating: 8/10
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